Airbnb SEO Hacks – How to Improve your rankings on Airbnb

Airbnb SEO Hacks – How to Improve your rankings on Airbnb

Anyone that rents out a property on Airbnb knows that the more bookings you get the more money you will get. Increasing the demand for your property will give you more bookings. The best way to increase the demand for your property is to get your listing to show up higher on Airbnb’s search results. You will first need to understand what Airbnb SEO is so that you can know how to use it to your advantage.

What is Airbnb SEO?

SEO or otherwise known as search engine optimization is the process by which a search engine uses an algorithm that matches a user’s search with the most relevant results. Google is the king of SEO matching billions of user searches to the best intending results.

Airbnb SEO algorithm uses a similar process to match guests with the best properties as quickly as possible. This directly affects your ability to be seen by guests, and we all know the more guests you are seen by the more bookings you will receive.

Now that you have an understanding of what Airbnb SEO is it is time to understand how you can use it to your advantage. Use these Airbnb SEO hacks to increase your visibility and occupancy rates ultimately turning in more revenue for you.

One factor that is important to note is the newness of the listing. Airbnb automatically boosts new listings. This is to the benefit of both the host and Airbnb. Intentionally boosting a listing gives Airbnb the ability to know very early on the performance of a listing. This fulfills Airbnb’s purpose to match guests quickly to a property that matches their needs.

Now if your listing doesn’t perform well during this period or you are already out of that period it can be a little rough getting back. Airbnb has now seen your listing as low or medium quality The good news is that hope is not all lost you can still improve your Airbnb SEO.

Airbnb made a shortlist of things that affect your search results. They however do not list all the factors but list three main ones I linked the article so you can view it. Even though we don’t know all there are still many tips that are proven to help your listing.

The top Airbnb SEO hacks

#1 Have High Guest Satisfaction

One of the top things that we know Airbnb cares about is your guest’s reviews and ratings. To boost your property strive to get about 80% of your reviews to be 5 stars. Your properties review rate also affects your listing. This very simply put is just the number of reviews divided by the total number of bookings received.

Airbnb gives you a 14-day window after the stay to give and receive a review. One of the best ways to help you get reviews is to always write reviews for your guests. This will increase the likely hood of you receiving one back as they are not able to see your response until they write their own.

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#2 Adjust Your Pricing

Overall it is important to remember that anything dealing with SEO takes time. Airbnb SEO is no different from that. However, there are small changes that you can make that will change that can result in big changes in visibility and bookings.

Generally speaking, if you lower your price you will get more bookings and have a higher occupancy rate, which is not always ideal. Airbnb does reward listings that are lower priced in an effort to stay competitive against the hotel industry.

Sometimes too low of the rate will attract a crowd that will not respect your property, resulting in a higher chance of damage and increased cost on your end.

So if you have a high occupancy rate (over 85%) it’s a good sign to raise your prices. If you are new to the platform it is always a good idea to start your prices low to get reviews.

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Pricing is a complicated process to get right, too high can result in low bookings, and too low can result in missed revenue. Look into automated pricing tools they can be extremely beneficial and help you generate much more revenue. At Lodgable we offer a dynamic pricing tool built in our software all at no cost to you.

#3 Make a High-Quality Listing

Making a very high-quality listing is a step that will take a bit more time but is one of the top things to help improve your listing on Airbnb’s search results. Airbnb has 4 main things that will take into account when deciding the quality of the listing.

  • Photos: To get a guest to book your property you will want to capture their attention on the search result and when they view the listing. The best way to do this is to have high-quality attention-grabbing photos. Making the investment to pay for a professional photographer it will undoubtedly pay off.


  • Title listing: Having a great title will be essential to grabbing the attention of potential guests. Make your listing title disrepute but not too long, highlight amenities and other appealing features to your property.


  • Listing descriptions: did you know that the higher the word count in your description the better it should perform? Airbnb rewards those with longer descriptions. So be sure to go into detail in your description but make sure it is clear and easy to read.


  • List all amenities: Not many people know that listing all your amenities can be beneficial. Even listing things like a hairdryer or internet.

Here at Lodgable, we are here to help you perform better. That is why created the Lodgable Optimize! We will break down your entire listing and give you recommendations as to how to perform better. Schedule a demo to learn more about how Lodgable Optimize and benefit your Airbnb SEO!

#4. Decrease Stay Requirement

One thing that helps with getting more reviews in addition to being more appealing to guests is lowering the length of stay required. When you have 20 bookings in a month that gives your the opportunity to get more reviews which will improve your visibility.

A strategy to take is to change your minimum stay requirement depending on how far out the booking is. The further out the bookings the longer the stay required, this will help capture more days booked in total. The week of you can change it to be only a day to capture the last-minute bookings.

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#5 Enable Instant Booking

One of the most appealing features for guests is instant booking. This not only allows for less work on your end by not having to approve bookings it also will amount to higher bookings on your listing.

Remember the goal of Airbnb SEO is to match someone with their desired house as quickly as possible? Well, instant bookings directly fulfill that goal. If you are worried about getting guests you don’t want you can put on requirements like I.D. verification.

#6 Great Guest Communication

Having great guest communication will tell Airbnb that you care about your guests and are actively ensuring that they are going to have a great experience at your property. Airbnb looks primarily upon three main factors when determining great guest communication.


  • Response percentage: How often you respond to a guest’s message. This should really just always be 100%
  • Response time: This is a simple metric it is the average time it takes for you to respond to messages. In order to make sure this does not affect you in a negative way strive to respond to all messages within 24 hours.
  • Response Conversion: Unfortunately this is not something that you can control it deals with how many of your responses result in bookings


One of the best ways to make this easier on you is to automate your messages, Airbnb offers automation tools to help you send out specific messages at different times in the guest’s bookings process.

#7 Become a Super Host

Even though being a super host is not a make-it-or-break for many people, it is still helpful to boost interest in your property. Airbnb recently added a feature to sort through properties based on if they are hosted by a super host.

The process to become a super host takes some time as they only evaluate on a quarterly basis. This is a great goal to have and can help motivate you to get 5-star reviews. Just remember if you aren’t a super host it is not the end of the world and you can still perform well!

Read our guide on how to become a superhost here.

#8 Flexible Cancellation Policy

Having a flexible cancellation policy can be very appealing to guests and will result in more guests wanting to book with you. Airbnb knows this and will favor those who offer this.

The average booking window has decreased drastically in the last few years going from 60-30 days. Therefore your cancellation policy should be within 30 days as that is when most travelers will book their vacation.


Utilizing all these tips will help result in improving your listing, there are tools that are available to be able to help you do this. At Lodgable we offer a free optimization tool within our software that will optimize your listings. Our goal is to help you perform better on all of your listings so that you are getting higher revenue. If you want to learn more about the free tools we offer schedule a free demo.

Remember to be patient with the process it takes up to 6 months to become a super host. Just be diligent with your efforts and results will come.

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