Your Airbnb occupancy rate can skyrocket if you follow these tips

Your Airbnb occupancy rate can skyrocket if you follow these tips

The most crucial aspect in determining whether or not your vacation rental company will be successful is your Airbnb occupancy rate. As a host, you’re well aware that your rental property’s occupancy rate is directly proportional to the amount of money it can create. That is to say, the greater the occupancy rate, the more money you may generate in a given time frame.

Increasing your Airbnb occupancy rate is, however, easier said than done. We’ve compiled a list of the top rental management methods and approaches to assist you in increasing your occupancy rate. Continue reading to see what actions you should take to increase your Airbnb occupancy rate and get more reservations.

1. Before investing in a short-term rental, think about the location.

If you’re just getting started, the first thing to think about is where your Airbnb investment home will be located. Real estate investment necessitates a proactive strategy, with the anticipated occupancy rate being the first consideration. Investigate the many housing possibilities available. The general guideline is to choose those situated in places where vacationers are in high demand.

Avoid particularly seasonal sites since they enable you to make money just at certain times of the year. Property in cities with no limitations on the number of days hosts are permitted to rent out their short-term rentals is preferred by seasoned real estate investors.

Finally, verify local rules to ensure that you are entirely compliant with the law. You will avoid legal complications and operate your company efficiently in the long term if you do it this way.

2. Determine the Correct Price

Maintaining a high Airbnb occupancy rate all year may be as simple as sticking to a well-thought-out pricing plan. Begin by investigating your rivals to determine how much your vacation rental house should cost.

Your pricing should not only be competitive, but it should also cover your expenditures for your company to be profitable. Pricing should be changed regularly, according to savvy hosts. The market is always shifting. So, why should you keep your price the same?

Airbnb will boost your listing to the top of the search results if you modify your nightly pricing often. Furthermore, you can increase your revenue by adjusting your pricing to reflect demand peaks and troughs. This will boost the exposure of your listing, resulting in a higher occupancy rate.

3. Draw Attention to Your Best Amenities

You should endeavor to improve the visitor experience regularly to maintain a steady stream of bookings. Guests appreciate nice facilities in addition to good pricing and communication.

Determine who your target customers are and what they need. You may add the greatest luxuries to your arsenal if you properly understand their requirements and expectations.

Update your listing’s description to let tourists know that you have the features they’re searching for. The next step is to upload fresh, professional images that best represent your facilities. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the adage goes. As a result, highlighting your top features will entice more people to register with you.

4. Check for outdated information in your listings.

You must generate winning listings to enhance your Airbnb occupancy rate. Misleading information, errors, and out-of-date photographs will only deter prospective visitors. Only factual information should be included in your listing. As a result, it’s a good idea to update your listing if you make changes to your property or acquire additional amenities.

Another wonderful way to increase your Airbnb occupancy rate is to adjust your listing based on the season. Showcase the comfort of your property throughout the winter season by taking images of your garden in blossom. Upload fresh photographs to connect with your target visitors to make your listing stand out.

Other elements of your listing, in addition to images, should be polished to realize its full potential. In this unique guide, you’ll find the most effective tactics and best practices.

5. Respond to your visitors quickly.

It’s critical to be a responsive host if you want to increase the number of bookings you get. In fact, before making a reservation, visitors evaluate an average of eight places and enquire about five more. It’s no surprise that hosts who respond quickly get more bookings.

While it may seem simple, it is not always feasible to answer as quickly as a prospective visitor sends you a note. Automation can be very useful in this situation. You’ll be able to keep your visitors informed at all times with the most crucial information and directions.

6. Make use of Instant Book

It’s past time to activate the Instant Book function for your listing if you haven’t already.

Guests expect an easy and quick booking procedure. The simpler it is for visitors to book your home, the more likely you will attain a high Airbnb occupancy rate. It may also assist you in improving your Airbnb rating.

If you’re still unsure about allowing Instant Book, Airbnb recommends establishing certain restrictions that visitors must complete the booking with you. As a result, visitors will be asked to provide a government-issued photo ID and favorable recommendations from previous hosts to reserve their property.

7. Increase the number of positive reviews

Throughout the year, your visitors value excellent customer service. As a host, you understand how important it is to meet and surpass your guests’ expectations to get great feedback. As a consequence of the favorable feedback, you’ll be able to book more bookings, resulting in a better Airbnb occupancy rate.

Make sure you provide consistent, polite service at all times. Before and throughout their visit, provide prompt and comprehensive answers to any queries your guests may have. You can get more 5-star ratings by ensuring that every visitor has a smooth booking experience followed by a safe and enjoyable stay.

Finally, make the first step and evaluate your visitors after they have checked out to increase the number of favorable evaluations. Airbnb will then ask your visitors to leave you a rating in exchange. Increase the number of reviews by using a vacation rental system with a reviews automated option. 

8. Do a Seasonal Makeover on Your Home

Your house should always leave an impression on visitors. Tune up your holiday property for the new season to make it stand out from the crowd. This will demonstrate to visitors that you are committed to keeping your home in the greatest possible shape.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to update the look of your home. A few changes to the décor, such as new tableware for the dining table or lighter bed linens, can draw in more possible visitors.

You may drastically enhance your Airbnb occupancy rate by catering to the demands of your visitors at various periods of the year. Guests might, for example, look for houses with a pool or a terrace throughout the summer. You could also alter your photographs to emphasize things visitors seek out throughout certain seasons.

9. Become a Superhost on Airbnb

Getting a Superhost badge might open up a whole new world of opportunities. It will not only help you improve your rating, but it will also improve your Airbnb occupancy rate.

To become a Superhost, you must complete the following requirements: 

  • Complete at least 10 trips or 3 bookings totaling 100 nights; 
  • Maintain a 90% response rate or better; 
  • Maintain a 1% cancellation rate or below; 
  • Have an overall rating of 4.
  1. Superhost listings are more visible and seem more trustworthy in the eyes of tourists. Your efforts will not go unnoticed if you continually improve your everyday operations. Although achieving Superhost rank requires a little more time and effort on your part, it is well worth it in the long run.

10. Refresh Your Vacation Rental Marketing Plan

Achieving the best occupancy rate may be impossible without a proper marketing plan. If you don’t advertise your rental, all of your other efforts might be for nothing. There are several methods to build awareness for your rental and attract interest from prospective visitors these days. The best course of action is to use numerous promotional channels to guarantee the widest possible reach.

Here are some of the finest techniques to consider while advertising your property:

  • Create a Facebook business profile for your company and offer relevant travel information and promotional messages about your hotel.
  • Create an Instagram account and collaborate with influencers to acquire greater visibility for your company.
  • Form local relationships to give unique deals and discounts to your visitors. Guests will be more inclined to book with you if they have the option to take advantage of special deals.
  • In addition to Airbnb, list your house on other holiday rental sites.
  • Master the art of email marketing. Maintain your Airbnb occupancy rate by sending out appealing newsletters, promoting special deals, and reaching back to previous visitors.

These tactics can help you raise awareness of your unique rental and assure a continuous stream of bookings throughout the year. In our ultimate marketing guide, you’ll learn more about advanced marketing methods for your company.

11. Plan for Peak Season Ahead of Time to Increase Your Airbnb Occupancy Rate

The best time to grow your vacation rental company is during peak season. As the demand for vacation homes rises, many hosts see this as a chance to maximize their income.

However, if you don’t prepare ahead, managing an Airbnb business may rapidly become hectic during high season. Furthermore, peak season might fluctuate from year to year due to various factors outside your control.

You can plan ahead of time if you think about how demand for your listings fluctuates throughout peak season. Set up automation tools, choose your third-party services, and do any other chores that will assist you in preparing for a high visitor turnover.


Keeping your property occupied throughout the year means that you have regular revenue to spend on your company’s development. To help your company go further, you should always look for innovative ways to boost your Airbnb occupancy rate. Consider using automation to save up time to focus on growing your company. The Lodgable vacation rental software may assist you in streamlining your operations and positioning your company for long-term success.

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