These 5 Customer Service Examples Will Blow Your Mind

These 5 Customer Service Examples Will Blow Your Mind

According to recent research, 57% of firms believe that positive online reviews increase sales. We look at some excellent online customer service examples and what vacation rental owners can learn from them as more businesses use social media to communicate with clients.

Never forget that there is always space for improvement in your customer service and guests’ experience. See who is a rock star at replying in style by looking at the companies listed below.

1. A little comedy can be quite helpful.

They say that the best medicine is laughter. And in the field of customer service, nothing could be more accurate.

With their Facebook responses, the British grocery retailer Tesco truly goes above and beyond all client expectations.

Wes Metcalfe, a customer, contacted Tesco to report a worm he had seen in a cucumber. Things quickly got out of hand. After a few back-and-forth exchanges of jokes about worm funerals, Tesco ended the conversation with an iconic remake of a well-known song:

Even while it might initially seem odd that you’ll get such unusual feedback, it’s always a good idea to be ready.

Your interactions with visitors will look more friendly and trustworthy if you add a little humor. A lively and witty host will always be remembered and chosen by guests over one whose communications lack any personality!

2. Timing is crucial.

Being available (or at least connected) when a customer needs support or assistance can make the difference between a positive and negative review.

Texas resident David Willis used Twitter to request his release after unintentionally locking himself in a London bookstore:

Despite saying they were “mortified” by the occurrence, Waterstones couldn’t resist telling those who had been following the story on Twitter the good news:

Although we don’t require you to be available at all times, having your phone on or your email notifications set up each time you host may be quite helpful, especially when something doesn’t go as planned.

Being able to handle unforeseen circumstances calmly and effectively will not only increase the popularity of your vacation rental but will also demonstrate that you are a devoted host who genuinely cares about your visitors and accepts responsibility for what happens while they are here.

3. It’s very easy to please customers.

For a “home away from home” feeling, travelers pick alternate accommodations like vacation rentals, correct? You genuinely want people to fall in love with your home, after all.

Check out what transpired with one contented visitor to the Gaylord Opryland Resort:

You don’t need to make grand gestures or give away your unwashed linens (who knows…); you only need to make your visitors feel fully at home as soon as they enter your vacation rental.

Always prepare everything before each visitor arrives, including first-day breakfast items, a clean, well-stocked cabinet, and plush towels!

The best advice is to download these free checklists to make hosting easy.

4. A surprising gesture makes a big impression

As a host, you occasionally have to plan for the worse. We’re not only talking about rude visitors destroying your home; we’re also talking about more typical problems that can affect anyone, like canceled flights or unexpected car trouble on the freeway.

Peter Shankman, thankfully, did not experience any of those, but he did receive a major surprise when his Tweet fantasies came true upon arriving at Newark Airport.

A server from Morton’s The Steakhouse met Shankman at the airport with a 24-ounce steak and all the fixings.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get is a saying that comes to mind for visitors. We don’t anticipate hosts always welcoming guests with their preferred takeout dinner, though. Just remember that you may be the only person your guests know to call if they ever need a helping hand, and you might be there!

5. Show kindness

What is thrown out, is thrown back? And when you work in the hospitality industry, you can’t get away from it.

Check out how Buffer communicates their thoughtful and compassionate brand language in every interaction:

Buffer’s compliments, thanks, and exemplary emoji make their customer service shine, regardless of whether a team member responds or if they’re answering to a business or an individual.

Being courteous and considerate while engaging with your guests, especially online and in writing, doesn’t require much.

A warm, approachable tone may say a lot about your company and the kinds of customers it draws.

There are only a few straightforward guidelines to keep in mind: always use your guests’ first names when speaking to them (if you have their contact information), show them respect when dealing with inquiries or more delicate issues like bad reviews, and keep in mind that you are the face of your vacation rental brand.

Any of your prospective guests can view the majority of exchanges on these channels unless they are private emails. Therefore, maintaining composure and being helpful at all times can guarantee that you present yourself in the best light. Never advertise anything that can make a visitor decide not to stay with you!

We hope these companies have taught you something about customer service. Which online brand communication example has caught your eye? Comment below and let us know!

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