A Locksmith Focus on Thefts: Celebs Who Got Their Cars Stolen

A Locksmith Focus on Thefts: Celebs Who Got Their Cars Stolen

Car theft represents one of the most concerning social problems in the contemporary world. Stats confirm that over 700,000 vehicles were stolen last year in the US, accounting for 4.1 billion dollars, while the average cost to the owner of a stolen car is about $5,900.

A Quick Dive Into Car Theft Stats

Statistics reveal that car thieves prefer black cars more than other colors. It’s not a random fact that black is the second most popular car color in the US. Let’s continue with stats: at least a car is stolen every 45.1 seconds in the US, with most car thefts occurring in California and Washington. Finally, today’s car thieves are technologically more organized and skilled than ever. Car theft

A large part of the over 700,000 car thefts of last year happened because car owners lost their car keys or had them stolen due to their negligence. It’s because many people tend to think that car theft won’t happen to them, so they lower their attention on where they put their car keys. Expert thieves can spot a distracted car owner in less than a minute, that’s a fact. Since car thefts seem to escalate throughout the States, it’s important to promptly address the issue by seeking the best online locksmiths for increasing car security. Car locksmiths can suggest a range of advanced car alarm systems, dash cams, and other technology-based security measures to keep your car safer and less appealing to potential thieves.

4 Celebrities Who Have Fallen Victims to Car Thefts

Would you think that celebrities and wealthy people are excluded from the car theft issue? Not at all! Nowadays, car theft is a social problem that touches everyone, from regular people to the world’s most famous celebs. We’ve gathered many examples of VIPs who had their car stolen. Let’s have a look at them here:

Sylvester Stallone

The iconic actor Sly got his 1950 Mercury Custom car stolen about 15 years ago. The car’s value was about $250,000. The most annoying part of the story is that he saw his vehicle listed for sale in Texas on an online auction platform in 2009. 

John Schneider

Owner of a fabulous 2007 Cadillac Escalade, John Schneider, alias Luke Duke in Duke of Hazard, got his car stolen in 2009 outside a shopping mall in California. The saddest side of the story is that the actor had left two puppies in the back seat.

Rod Stewart

Car thefts didn’t save Rod Stewart’s car: a nice 1995 Dodge Viper valued at $600,000. The singer was on tour when his gardener walked into the garage and stole Stewart’s car. Caught by police, he was eventually condemned to 11 years of prison.

John Travolta

John Travolta’s car had a terrific destiny: his 1970 Mercedes Benz 280SL Convertible wasn’t simply stolen but also chopped, cut, and sold for parts. The responsible for Travolta’s car massacre was caught and sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. Travolta received the remains of his car in a box.

Nobody is safe in a world where car thefts increase yearly, but car locksmiths can help add an extra layer of security to your vehicle.

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