A list of Commonly Forgotten Items to Provide your Airbnb Guests

A list of Commonly Forgotten Items to Provide your Airbnb Guests

It’s awful to forget stuff when you’re traveling. It does. After a lengthy journey, you frantically search your luggage only to find that what you were looking for wasn’t there. Panic, annoyance, irritation, and overall negative feelings might result from it. However, for a host hoping to make a good impression, a forgetful Airbnb visitor might be the ideal chance to distinguish themselves as hosts who go above and beyond the call of duty.

Keep a spare of these often forgotten goods in your house, and any distant visitor will scream with relief and gratitude (and maybe give you rave reviews too).

Toiletries – include things like toothpaste, Q-tips, combs, nail clippers, soap, and deodorant. These hygiene necessities ordinarily don’t make it to your destination, either because TSA confiscates them or because people just forget to pack them. Possessing extras will keep your visitors satisfied and clean.

Phone Charger – The most embarrassing item to forget is a phone charger! An extra iPhone or USB charger is virtually certain to be useful for a helpless person whose battery is running low. Additionally, remember that a visitor with a fully charged phone is likelier to be a talkative guest who will let you know when she checks in, wants assistance, or has a query about how the coffee maker works. Pro-tip: Don’t worry; Guesty can cover you 24/7 if handling all these calls yourself sounds like it would interfere with your day job.

Weather gear If you live somewhere that gets hot, having hats and sunscreen is always a wonderful luxury. An extra rain jacket or umbrella may save a visitor from using the dryer in a more humid region, which would protect your beautiful wood flooring.

A Reliable Map Let’s face it, Google Maps doesn’t always work. It occurs. And when it does, it’s always convenient to have a physical map to use as a quick reference to find the closest WiFi hotspot. A map of nearby restaurants or sights may also lend a personal, hands-on touch to your hospitality.

First Aid Kit Band-Aids are always an unappreciated vacation companion, whether your visitors are cliff diving, riding beach cruisers down the boardwalk, or just meandering through rural vineyards! Pro-tip: According to rumors, as part of their home safety initiatives, Airbnb is giving out free First-Aid kits to a select group of early adopters as well as free smoke and CO detectors for the remainder of 2014. Not only is it free, but you can also advertise these amenities in your listing’s Amenities section.

Reusable water bottles Anyone who is hip and affluent enough to use Airbnb is hip and affluent enough to be concerned about the environment! What better way to keep your visitors sat on lengthy sightseeing days than a couple of reusable Nalgene bottles?

Language Guide Learning a new language while visiting a foreign place is one of the most excellent parts of doing so. Nobody thinks to pack a phrasebook or a translation dictionary, but having one available will be helpful for your guests not just while eating out. Still, it could also encourage them to learn more and immerse themselves in the local way of life!

Your listing will be utterly forget-proof if you also include a hair dryer, some earplugs, and a bag for dirty clothes. Your visitors will think your ability to predict what will happen is miraculous, like The Fairy Godmother of neglected things. They will refer to you as a hero and a miracle worker, and you will respond like the kind host that you are with a shrug of your shoulders, a wink, and a “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.”

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